The national body representing Australia's $3.2 billion commercial seafood industry has warned that a plan by Labor to return to its 2012 Marine Park Network would force people out of the fishing industry and threaten financial stability.
Key points:
- Ahead of the Federal election, the seafood industry's national body has expressed concern over Labor's plan to reinstate its 2012 Marine Park Network
- The plan would impact commercial fishers as it covering offshore waters surrounding every state and territory and impacting fishers
- Seafood Industry Australia said the lack of security in commercial fishing was taking its toll on the mental health of those in the industry
Ahead of the federal election, Seafood Industry Australia (SIA) has called upon a newly-elected Federal Government to give the fishing industry better security of access and fishing rights.
SIA CEO Jane Lovell said a pledge from Labor to reinstate its original 2012 Marine Park Network in full was concerning and would push fishermen out of the industry.
Under Labor's plan Australia would have had the world's largest network of marine parks which covered offshore waters surrounding every state and territory.
"The very fact that this is back on the agenda again removes confidence, increases uncertainty, and this is one of the things that has been found by to be the key driver of the mental health problems in our industry is this constant lack of certainty about the environment they work in," Ms Lovell said.
"I don't want to be a doomsayer, but if people can just imagine what its like to not know, you've got a large investment, you've got repayments you need to make, and to really have no certainty that you're going to be able to do your job and make your money to cover those repayments, I don't know how people can live with that level of uncertainty."
Labor did not return repeated requests from the ABC to respond to these concerns.
Instead more security and fishing rights are needed
Ms Lovell said overall the commercial fishing industry needed more security of access and fishing rights, and while she agreed the industry needed to improve its social licence and build better public engagement, she said governments also needed to hold it in higher regard.
"Some of the other threats come to us through governments preferencing recreational fishing over commercial fishing, and that's happening in Victoria with about 20 per cent of the commercial catch under threat, some of it already lost," she said.
"Similarly in other states we have reforms going ahead that are based on, we think, often outdated information, and we also have concerns in the Northern Territory of access through inter tidal zones to get out to commercial fishing grounds due to Indigenous issues.
"We have a responsibility in this country to use our resources sustainably, effectively and efficiently and make sure that we are doing our very best to feed ourselves.
"When you play off the commercial fishing sector against, for instance, recreational, you actually threaten part of that food security task, so I think that's the first thing, that's where government should focus."
WA lobster industry an example of what can go wrong
Ms Lovell said a now-thwarted plan released earlier this year by the Western Australian Fisheries Minister Dave Kelly, to take a 17 per cent share of the industry's catch, highlighted the vulnerability of fishing industries.
"One of the things that was a consequence of the proposal for the West Australian Government to get more actively involved as a quota owner, was that it sent shockwaves around the industry, and it went to our investors," she said.
"Banks that support our businesses are saying that 'if that can happen in Western Australia on the whim of a government, is my investment in the Australian seafood industry secure and safe?' — and that is absolutely an undesirable position for us to be in."
Fisherman and chair of the industry body Western Rock Lobster, Terry Lissiman agreed more security was needed.
"Minister Kelly absolutely highlighted the risk that we faced of government intervention on the scale that he was suggesting," he said.
The WA lobster fishery is managed by the WA State Government, and each year fishermen must apply for a Managed Fishery Licence.
"It makes it very difficult to operate as a business, because in any business you have to borrow money, and the banks don't recognise an MFL, which is essentially a piece of paper, as being really good asset backing for a loan to you," Mr Lissiman said.
"In trying to keep a vibrant, growing industry, that's the sort of thing we regard as a paramount concern."
Mental health needs more money
In its election commitments, the Coalition promised a $29 million fishing package, of which $20 million is earmarked for recreational fishing and camping facilities, $8 million for fisheries habitat restoration and $600,000 for mental health support.
Ms Lovell welcomed the mental health spending but said it was well shy of the $4 million requested for mental health support, and did not include any spend in requested areas such as vessel support and resources to work with the oil and gas industries.
"We have nobody, no tailored assistance to take fishers and help them overcome some of the stigma associated with saying that things are going so well for them at the moment and they need a bit of help," she said.
"Six hundred thousand is good, but when you look at it out of $29 million, we do feel a little disappointed."
A statement from assistant Minister for Agriculture Richard Colbeck said the Coalition had a track record of protecting fishing rights and securing access for fishers.
"The Coalition, in contrast, is developing a National Fishing Plan and a Commonwealth Resource Sharing Framework and strengthening fishing rights through increasing the duration of Commonwealth fishing permits to five years for some fisheries, and are considering the others, and we're and making it easier for fishers to secure finance for fishing quotas," the statement said.